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摘    要:生理心理学是研究心理活动和行为的生理机制,旨在以脑内的生理学事件解释心理现象的一门学科,是应用心理学专业的基础课程。针对生理心理学课程的特点,本文从该课程的教学内容和教学方法等方面探讨该课程的教学改革,通过充分挖掘教学资源,建立教学资料文库;依托科研平台,增设实验课,探讨研教协同模式;改革教学方法,建立以团队为基础的PBL 教学法。经过生理心理学教学改革,培养具有科研思维、团队合作、解决实际问题等多方位发展的综合高素质人才。

关 键 词:生理心理学  研教协同模式  PBL 教学法  医学  大学生

Application of research and teaching cooperation combined with PBL teaching method in physiological psychology teaching in medical colleges
Abstract:Physiological psychology is a discipline that studies the physiological mechanism of mental activities and behaviors,and explains psychological phenomena with physiological events in the brain.It is a basic course for applied psychology.In view of the characteristics of physiological psychology course,we discussed the teaching reform of the course from the aspects of its teaching content and teaching method.Through fully excavating teaching resources,a teaching data library is established; relying on scientific research platform,experimental courses are added to explore the mode of research and teaching cooperation; teaching methods are reformed and a PBL teaching method based on team is established.Through the teaching reform of physiological psychology,we will cultivate comprehensive highquality talents with scientific research thinking,teamwork,and ability for solving practical problem.
Keywords:Physiological psychology   Mode of research and teaching cooperation   PBL teaching method   Medicine  College students
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