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Microsurgical repair after excision of large cancers. Apropos of 14 cases]
Authors:O Papadopoulos  A Bei
Affiliation:2e Département de Chirurgie Propédeudique, Faculté de Médecine, Université d'Athènes, Grèce.
The specialty which has benefited the most from the rapid development of reconstructive microsurgery over the last decade, has been plastic surgery. In particular, the authors refer to reconstructive microsurgery after malignant tumor resection. Resections which used to cause serious psychological problems or which required multiple reconstructive procedures, can now be performed as a single stage procedure with good oncological, functional and aesthetic results. This experience concerns the treatment of 14 primary or recurrent malignant tumors of the skin and soft tissues using microsurgical techniques. The free latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap was the flap most commonly used. The authors also used the groin flap, the scapular flap, the tensor fasciae latae flap, the dorsalis pedis flap and finally the jejunum combined with the second metatarsus to reconstruct the mandible and the floor of the mouth. Complications consisted of complete necrosis of a dorsalis pedis flap and two revisions were performed for venous thrombosis. With a minimum follow-up of 5 years, one patient has developed a local recurrence and another has developed regional lymph node metastases. The functional and aesthetic results were quite satisfactory. The authors believe that microsurgery is a very valuable technique to treat difficult reconstructive problems.
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