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Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicity of Methacrylamide and N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide in Swiss Mice
Authors:George, Julia D.   Price, Catherine J.   Marr, Melissa C.   Myers, Christina B.   Schwetz, Bernard A.   Heindel, Jerrold J.
Affiliation:*Chemistry and Life Sciences, Research Triangle Institute Post Office Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709-2194 "{dagger}"Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Group, National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park North Carolina 27709

Received November 3, 1997; accepted May 19, 1998

Timed-pregnant CD-1 outbred albino Swiss mice received eithermethacrylamlde (MAC; 0, 60, 120, or 180 mg/kg/day) or N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide(BAC; 0, 3, 10, or 30 mg/kg/day) po in distilled water on gestationaldays (GD) 6 through 17. Maternal clinical status was monitoreddaily. At termination (GD 17), confirmed-pregnant females (27–30per group, MAC; 24–25 per group, BAC) were evaluated forclinical status and gestational outcome; live fetuses were examinedfor external, visceral, and skeletal malformations. For MAC,no treatment-related maternal mortality was observed. Maternalbody weight on GD 17, maternal weight gain during treatmentand gestation, and corrected maternal weight gain were reducedat the high dose. Relative maternal food and water intake wasnot adversely affected; neurotoxicity was not observed. Relativematernal liver weight was increased at a 120 mg/kg/day; graviduterine weight was decreased at 180 mg/kg/day. The maternalno-observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) was 60 mg/kg/day. TheNOAEL for developmental toxicity was also 60 mg/kg/day. At ≥120 mg/kg/day, mean fetal body weight was reduced. At 180 mg/kg/day,increased postimplantation death per litter was observed. Morphologicaldevelopment was not affected. The maternal NOAEL for BAC was10 mg/kg/day. At 30 mg/kg/day, decreased maternal body weighton GD 17, maternal body weight change during treatment and gestation,corrected maternal body weight, and gravid uterine weight wereobserved. Relative maternal liver weight increased at 30 mg/kg/day.The developmental NOAEL was 3 mg/kg/day BAC. Mean fetal bodyweight was reduced at 30 mg/kg/day. At ≥ 10 mg/kg/day, an increasedincidence of fetal variations (extra rib) was observed, althoughfetal malformation rate was unaffected. MAC and BAC were notteratogenic to Swiss mice at the doses tested. BAC was morepotent than MAC in causing adverse maternal and developmentaleffects.
Keywords:acrylamides   developmental toxicity   teratogenicity   mice   morphological development.
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