Abstract: | The effects of asphyxia and potassium on the electrocardiogram (ECG), lead II, were recorded from dogs and cats anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and halothane. Electrocardiographic recordings were made during control periods, during asphyxia (occluded endotracheal tube), during infusion of an isotonic KCl solution and during infusion of an isotonic NaCl solution. Arterial and venous blood gas partial pressures (PaCO2, PvCO2, PaO2 and and PvO2), plasma Na+ and K+ concentrations, heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were measured during control periods, asphyxia and during the periods of infusion. The vagi were severed to assess the effect of vagal tone on the ECG changes. The characteristic ECG changes during asphyxia and the electrolyte imbalances resulting from infusion of isotonic KCl and NaCl were determined during sodium pentobarbital and halothane anesthesia in both dogs and cats. The combination of halothane and high PCO2 caused cardiac arrhythmias. Spontaneous recovery from ventricular fibrillation, as a result of hyperkalemia, was recorded from cats. Disappearance of the P waves, which is characteristic of hyperkalemia, was infrequent in this study and the U waves associated with hypokalemia were not found. Severing the vagi did not alter the ECG changes characteristic of asphyxia, hyperkalemia and hypokalemia. It was found that asphyxia and infusion of fluids high or low in potassium can produce ECG changes in both dogs and cats that can be correlated with blood gas partial pressure changes or plasma potassium concentrations. |