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L-Dopa-responsive Parkinson's syndrome in association with phenylketonuria: In vivo dopamine transporter and D2 receptor findings.
Authors:Andrew H Evans  Durval C Costa  Sveto Gacinovic  Regina Katzenschlager  John D O'sullivan  Simon Heales  Phillip Lee  Andrew J Lees
Affiliation:Reta Lila Weston Institute of Neurological Studies, University College London, United Kingdom.
Abstract:Reports of parkinsonism in phenylketonuria are exceedingly rare. We report on a patient who had received a delayed diagnosis of phenylketonuria as an infant and subsequently developed levodopa-responsive parkinsonism at the age of 33. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using (123)I-FP-CIT ([(123))I]-2 beta-carbomethoxy-3beta-(-4-iodophenyl)-N-(3-fluoropropyl)-nortropane) used to measure dopamine transporter levels on two occasions, 7 and 9 years after the onset of neurological symptoms, were normal. Iodine-123-iodo-lisuride SPECT (IBZM) imaging, however, showed reduced caudate over putamen binding. This combination of imaging findings indicates a possible upregulation of postsynaptic D2 receptors in the context of intact presynaptic dopamine nerve terminal density.
Keywords:PKU  single‐photon emission computed tomography  parkinsonism
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