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External distraction of the maxilla in patients with craniofacial dysplasia
Authors:Krimmel M  Cornelius C P  Roser M  Bacher M  Reinert S
Affiliation:Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Tübingen, Germany. Michael.Krimmel@med.uni-tuebingen.de
Patients with severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to craniofacial dysplasia present a challenge to the craniofacial surgeon. Maxillary distraction presents a promising tool to treat these patients more successfully. Fifteen patients aged 12 to 20 years with craniofacial dysplasia and maxillary retrusion were treated with two different techniques after complete Le Fort I osteotomy: one group underwent face mask protraction (2 patients), and the other group underwent rigid external distraction (13 patients). Cephalometric evaluation was performed before and after distraction. Rigid external distraction appeared to be superior to face mask protraction. Maxillary retrusion was fully corrected in this group. The path of maxillary positioning was well controlled by changing the traction force vector. Distraction osteogenesis has certainly improved treatment of these patients.
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