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Natural resistance to worms exacerbates bovine tuberculosis severity independently of worm coinfection
Authors:Vanessa O. Ezenwa  Sarah A. Budischak  Peter Buss  Mauricio Seguel  Gordon Luikart  Anna E. Jolles  Kaori Sakamoto
Abstract:Pathogen interactions arising during coinfection can exacerbate disease severity, for example when the immune response mounted against one pathogen negatively affects defense of another. It is also possible that host immune responses to a pathogen, shaped by historical evolutionary interactions between host and pathogen, may modify host immune defenses in ways that have repercussions for other pathogens. In this case, negative interactions between two pathogens could emerge even in the absence of concurrent infection. Parasitic worms and tuberculosis (TB) are involved in one of the most geographically extensive of pathogen interactions, and during coinfection worms can exacerbate TB disease outcomes. Here, we show that in a wild mammal natural resistance to worms affects bovine tuberculosis (BTB) severity independently of active worm infection. We found that worm-resistant individuals were more likely to die of BTB than were nonresistant individuals, and their disease progressed more quickly. Anthelmintic treatment moderated, but did not eliminate, the resistance effect, and the effects of resistance and treatment were opposite and additive, with untreated, resistant individuals experiencing the highest mortality. Furthermore, resistance and anthelmintic treatment had nonoverlapping effects on BTB pathology. The effects of resistance manifested in the lungs (the primary site of BTB infection), while the effects of treatment manifested almost entirely in the lymph nodes (the site of disseminated disease), suggesting that resistance and active worm infection affect BTB progression via distinct mechanisms. Our findings reveal that interactions between pathogens can occur as a consequence of processes arising on very different timescales.

Interactions between pathogens cooccurring within a single host can have profound effects on infection outcomes, ranging from the severity of clinical disease in individual hosts to the rate of disease spread across populations (13). Because most hosts are commonly infected by more than one type of pathogen at a time (4), understanding the consequences of pathogen interactions during concurrent infection (or coinfection) is essential for effective disease management and control. While many studies focus on pathogen interactions that are the result of one pathogen responding to the simultaneous presence of another (5), two pathogens need not overlap in time to interact with one another. For example, heterologous immunity, where prior exposure or infection with one pathogen modifies the immune response to another, can drive both positive and negative interactions between pathogens (6). This phenomenon highlights how modifications of the host immune system by one pathogen that occur during the lifetime of a host (i.e., in ecological time) can shape future responses to secondary pathogens. Likewise, strong selection pressure imposed by pathogens on hosts, particularly on immune function (7), can result in modifications of the host immune system that occur over generations (i.e., in evolutionary time), a process which should also affect responses to secondary infections. In this case, a historical population-level response to selection by one pathogen may generate heritable differences among individuals in contemporary responses to another. Crucially, ecological- vs. evolutionary-scale interactions between pathogens may operate for different reasons, so distinguishing between the two is integral to understanding both the mechanistic basis and consequences of these interactions.Helminths, or parasitic worms, and tuberculosis (TB) are involved in one of the most geographically extensive of pathogen interactions (2, 8). Both pathogens affect approximately one-third of the world’s human population and are widespread in domestic and wild animals (911). Caused by bacteria in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, including M. tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of human TB, and Mycobacterium bovis (Mb), the causative agent of bovine TB, TB is responsible for 2 million human deaths (12) and 25% of all disease-related cattle deaths (13) annually. In humans, about 10% of individuals infected with Mtb progress to active pulmonary disease, but the mechanisms underlying progression to active TB are poorly defined (14). Accumulating evidence suggests that coinfection with worms may be a factor in TB disease progression (2, 15), although some studies do not support this link, highlighting the complex nature of worm–TB interactions (16). Interestingly, research in laboratory animals suggests that enhanced immunity (i.e., resistance) to worms can compromise a host’s ability to control TB even in the absence of active worm infection (1720), implying that evolved defenses against worms may independently affect the response to TB. Considered in light of widespread worm resistance in human and animal populations (21, 22) and the broad geographic coincidence of worms and TB, worm–TB interactions may represent an illustrative case where variation in evolved resistance to one pathogen (worms) contributes to variable responses to another (TB).In this study, we tested the hypothesis that resistance to worms modifies the host response to TB. To do this, we monitored gastrointestinal (GI) worm (specifically strongyle nematode) and Mb infections in a cohort of wild African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) to assess the effects of natural variation in worm resistance on the incidence, severity, and progression of bovine TB (BTB). In previous work, we demonstrated the presence of an ecological interaction between worms and BTB in buffalo by showing that clearance of active worm infection via anthelmintic treatment reduces BTB-associated mortality (23). Thus, we took advantage of the fact that half of our study animals were subject to long-term deworming to compare the relative effects of worm coinfection vs. natural worm resistance on BTB outcomes. We found evidence of a genetic basis to worm resistance in buffalo and that buffalo with resistance to worms were more severely affected by BTB in terms of both mortality risk and disease progression. However, the mechanisms by which natural variation in the host response to worms was associated with BTB progression appeared to be distinct from the effects of anthelmintic treatment. Our results suggest that negative effects of worms on BTB outcomes occur as a result of both concurrent worm infection and genetically based differences in host responsiveness to worms. This discovery fundamentally alters our understanding of the timescales over which worms and TB interact in real-world populations.
Keywords:African buffalo   coinfection   helminths   resistance   tuberculosis
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