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The specific panoramic radiographic signs and their relation with inferior alveolar nerve injuries after mandibular third molar surgery
Authors:Szalma József  Lempel Edina  Csuta Tamás  Vajta László  Jeges Sára  Olasz Lajos
Affiliation:Pécs Tudományegyetem Altalános Orvostudományi es Egészségtudományi Centrum Altalános Orvostudományi Kar Fogászati es Szájsebészeti Klinikája, Arc-, AlIcsont- es Szájsebészeti Tanszék.
The aim of the authors was to describe the classic specific panoramic signs (indicating a close spatial relationship between dental canal and third molar's root) on panoramic radiographic images and determine their role in the risk assessment, predicting inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) paresthesia after lower third molar removal. The authors represented an informative case, where the IAN was visible during the surgery. The exact knowledge of classic panoramic radiographic signs should help the determination of "high risk" cases predicting IAN paresthesia after mandibular third molar removal. The authors keep panoramic radiography rather a routine than the most superior diagnostic tool in third molar surgery.
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