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引用本文:国产闭鞘姜属植物中薯蓣皂甙元的含量测定[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 2000, (2): 78-80.
作者姓名:乔春峰  檀爱民  董辉  徐珞珊  王峥涛
摘    要:姜科闭鞘姜属(CostusL.)植物全世界约150种,分布于热带非洲、南美洲和东南亚等地。我国有3种:闭鞘姜Costusspeciosus(Koen.)Smith、莴笋花CostuslacerusGagnep.和光叶闭鞘姜CostustonkinensisGagnep.,分布于广东、广西和云南等地。1970年Dasgupta等[1]报道从产于印度的闭鞘姜根茎中分离纯化得到薯蓣皂甙元,得率为2.12%,此后,许多学者对该属植物的化学成分和药理作用等进行了研究。目前,作为合成甾体激素的原料药,薯蓣皂甙元日益紧缺,为了合理开发利用国产闭鞘姜属植物资源,我们对其进行了薯蓣皂甙元的含量测定。薯蓣皂甙元的含量测定方…

关 键 词:闭鞘姜属  薯蓣皂甙元  比色法  气相色谱法  测定

Quantitative Analysis of Diosgenin in Chinese Costus Species by Colorimetric and GC
Quantitative Analysis of Diosgenin in Chinese Costus Species by Colorimetric and GC[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2000, (2): 78-80.
Authors:QIAO Chun Feng  TAN Ai Min  DONG Hui  XU Luo Shan  WANG Zheng Tao
Affiliation:QIAO Chun Feng,TAN Ai Min,DONG Hui,XU Luo Shan,WANG Zheng Tao Department of Pharmacognosy,China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing 210038
Abstract:Diosgenin in 18 samples belonging to 3 species of Costus L. was determined by colorimetric and GC analyses. The results indicated that the content of diosgenin in Costus lacerus rhizome is the highest (0.530%) and the content in C. speciosus C. lacerus . It also showed that C. tonkinensis contains no diosgenin. The samples from different parts, ploid races, locations, collection periods and storage conditions contain various amounts of diosgenin.
Keywords:Costus L  Diosgenin  Colorimetric assay  GC  Determination of content
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