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CD44 variant expression and estrogen receptor status in breast cancer
Authors:A. Kate Hole  Abbes Belkhiri  Linda S. Snell  Peter H. Watson
Affiliation:(1) Departments of Pathology and Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3E OW3
To understand the relationship between CD44 gene expressionand an established variable associated with aggressive behaviourin human breast cancer, we have studied apanel of 6 breast cell lines and 40breast tumors selected primarily on the basis ofestrogen receptor (ER) status. CD44s (standard form) mRNAwas assessed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, and CD44 variantsincorporating exon v7 or v10 were studied byRT-PCR and Southern blot. While CD44 expression wasnot influenced by estrogen in ER+ve MCF-7 cells,CD44s expression was slightly higher (up to 2fold) in ER–ve cells but there was amarked decrease in the range of CD44 variantsincorporating exons v7 or v10. In microdissected tumors,the levels of CD44s showed no correlation withER status but the pattern of expression oflarger forms of CD44 incorporating variant exons v7and v10 was significantly different (p=0.005and p=0.015, respectively) between ER+ve andER–ve tumors, reflecting the pattern seen in thecell lines. These findings suggest that the profileof CD44 expression in breast cancer may reflectcellular differentiation as indicated by the ER phenotype.The influence of these differences in CD44 expressionon the increased metastatic potential of ER negativebreast cancer remains to be determined.
Keywords:breast cancer  CD44  estrogen receptor
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