Working With Parents Through a Devastating Experience-The Birth of a Mongoloid Child |
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Affiliation: | Deborab (Fritzi) Kallop is an OGN Nurse Clinician and Instructor of Parent Education nt Cornell Medical Center in New York, where she formerly worked ns n general staff nurse in labor and delivery. She Folds n RS from Cornell University-New York Hospital School of Nursing, an AAS from Briarcliff College in Scarborough New York. and a diploma from Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, Maryland. She also earned a teacher certificate on completion of the Lamaze Training Program of the American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics, and is a member of that organization. She is also number of the ANA, NAACOG, and Sigma Theta Tan, honorary nurses'society, Mrs. Kallop is the author of "Preoperative Instruction for the Patient Undergoing Elective Abortion," published in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 1971. |
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Abstract: | The author believes that professional advice given the parents of a mongoloid infant determines their initial decision on institutionalization. Multidisciplinary counseling by the health team can help parents decide on a course of action that will prove satisfactory in the long run. Consultation should include health t e r n efforts to help parents work through the mourning process and presentation of a) an objective, comprehensive view of the child's condition, b) information on integrating a mongoloid into the family unit, and c) outside resources available to the parents. Deliberation with the parents to help them reach their own decision is essential. |
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