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A synthesis of a vocational assessment system and an information system of technical aids
Authors:Christian Rexrodt   Frank Ramsauer
Abstract:Purpose: In vocational rehabilitation, the selection and tailoring of the work place is tightly bound with the integration or reintegration of people with disabilities into the work environment. Instruments which ease this task are assessment systems as well as information systems of technical aids. To date, these instruments are separated from one another in practice. They also necessitate a broad transfer capacity between the results of an assessment system and the selection of technical aids for a work place design suited for people with disabilities. Method/Results: Therefore, when employing assessment system, immediate access to information concerning technical aids would ease the work of experts in the area of vocational rehabilitation. This information should also provide a commentary concerning which aids have been utilized to date in concrete cases of suitably designing work places for people with disabilities. Conclusions: This article describes the synthesis of a vocational assessment system with an information system of technical aids from the aspect of frequency of use.
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