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引用本文:蔡秋茂, 黄钦仪, 许燕君, 马文军, 聂少萍, 许晓君, 徐浩锋, 宋秀玲. 广东省青少年体重自我评价与减肥行为分析[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2012, 28(6): 740-742. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws-2012-28-06-06
作者姓名:蔡秋茂  黄钦仪  许燕君  马文军  聂少萍  许晓君  徐浩锋  宋秀玲
作者单位:1.广东省疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制所, 广州510300;2.中山大学公共卫生学院
摘    要:目的了解广东省不同性别、年龄青少年减肥行为情况及青少年体重自我评价与减肥行为关系,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法采取多阶段分层整群抽样方法,抽取广东省21个地区的22 863名学生进行问卷调查。结果 30.1%学生认为自身体重有点重或很重,其中真正超重或肥胖的只占6.96%;63.7%的学生采取了减肥或防止增重的行为,通过锻炼、不吃肉、节食、绝食、诱导呕吐、吃减肥药行为减肥的学生比例分别为54.05%、8.31%、23.45%、1.92%、1.08%、1.84%,女生不良行为减肥发生率高于男生,中职校学生高于其他类别学生;自认偏重实际不重的女生比例(35.7%)高于男生(19.8%),自认偏重或过重学生的不良减肥行为比例高于其他学生。结论青少年对自身营养状况缺乏正确的认识,体重的认识偏倚很大程度影响其减肥行为的发生,应加强对学生健康和营养知识的教育。

关 键 词:减肥行为  体重自我评价  青少年

Weight control behaviors and self-evaluation of weight in adolescents in Guangdong province
CAI Qiu-mao, HUANG Qin-yi, XU Yan-jun, . Weight control behaviors and self-evaluation of weight in adolescents in Guangdong province[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2012, 28(6): 740-742. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws-2012-28-06-06
Authors:CAI Qiu-mao  HUANG Qin-yi  XU Yan-jun
Affiliation:1.Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control Institute, Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou 510300, China
Abstract:Objective To collect the information on weight control behavior among the adolescents of different gender and age in Guangdong province,and to study the relationship between the weight control behavior and self-evaluation of weight in the adolescents.Methods Totally 22 863 students were selected from 21 counties in Guangdong province using multi-stage stratified sampling method and were investigated with a questionnaire.Results Among the students,30.1% considered they were overweight or obesity,but only 6.96% of the students were truly overweight or obesity.There were 63.7% of students having taken activity of losing weight.The prevalence of physical exercise,vegetarian,dieting,fasting,vomiting,and taking diet pills were 54.05%,8.31%,23.45%,1.92%,1.08%,and 1.84%.The prevalence of unhealthy weight control behavior among the girls was higher than among the boys,and higher in vocational school students than in other students.The ratio of the students considering they were overweight was higher in the girls.The prevalence of unhealthy weight control behavior among the students with selfd-rated overweight or obesity was higher than that of other students.Conclusion Adolescents have no clear sense of nutritional conditions about themselves and their self-evaluation of weight significantly affect their weight control behavior.We should enforce the education on health and nutrition knowledge among the students.
Keywords:weight control behavior  self-evaluation of weight  adolescent
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