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引用本文:梁靖宇,曹倩. 睡眠剥夺对情绪反应性影响的性别差异研究[J]. 中国全科医学, 2020, 23(7): 861-865. DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.450
作者姓名:梁靖宇  曹倩
摘    要:背景 世界卫生组织调查显示,全世界大约有27%的人存在睡眠质量问题。睡眠剥夺会造成人的工作记忆、决策判断及任务转换等认知能力和对情绪的处理能力下降。同时,男性和女性在情绪的觉知、处理、表达及体验等方面存在差异。目的 探究睡眠剥夺情况下个体情绪反应的性别差异。方法 于2018年5月6-26日,采用方便抽样法在广东某高校筛选出符合纳入排除标准的非心理学专业大学生33名为研究对象,其中男15名,女18名。从国际情绪图片系统(IAPS)选取从负性到正性的一系列效价连续的情绪图片,并让被试在睡眠剥夺前后对这些图片的唤醒度(即被试的情绪体验强度:平静/兴奋)进行1~9的九级评分,进而从情绪反应性的角度来考察睡眠剥夺对男女情绪处理影响的差异。结果 性别对个体情绪唤醒度主效应显著,女性对情绪图片唤醒度的评分高于男性(P<0.001);睡眠剥夺主效应显著,睡眠剥夺后被试对情绪图片唤醒度的评分高于睡眠剥夺前(P<0.001);效价主效应显著(P<0.001)。性别与睡眠剥夺交互效应显著,女性睡眠剥夺后对对3种效价情绪图片的情绪唤醒度的评分高于睡眠剥夺前(P<0.001)。性别与情绪效价交互效应显著,男性对负性情绪图片唤醒度的评分高于中性情绪图片(P<0.001),对中性情绪图片唤醒度的评分高于正性情绪图片(P<0.001);女性对负性情绪图片唤醒度的评分高于中性情绪图片(P<0.001),对中性与正性情绪图片唤醒度的评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。情绪效价与睡眠剥夺交互效应显著,睡眠剥夺后对中性和正性情绪图片唤醒度的评分均高于睡眠剥夺前(P<0.001)。性别、效价和睡眠剥夺的交互作用边缘显著(P=0.08)。结论 睡眠剥夺会对个体的情绪反应性产生影响,情绪体验强度的差异不仅与性别有关,还与睡眠剥夺这一因素相关。

关 键 词:睡眠剥夺;情绪;性别因素;应激  心理学  

Gender Differences in the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Emotional Reactivity
LIANG Jingyu,CAO Qian. Gender Differences in the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Emotional Reactivity[J]. Chinese General Practice, 2020, 23(7): 861-865. DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.450
Authors:LIANG Jingyu  CAO Qian
Affiliation:Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,Institute of Analytical Psychology,City University of Macau,Macau 999078,China
*Corresponding author:LIANG Jingyu;E-mail:H18092200101@cityu.mo
Abstract:Background According to the World Health Organization,about 27% of people around the world have sleep quality problems.Sleep deprivation can lead to a significant decline in cognitive abilities such as working memory,judgment in decision-making,task conversion and emotional processing.There are significant differences in emotional awareness,treatment,expression and experience between men and women.Objective To investigate the effect of sleep deprivation on emotional reactivity on the basis of gender.Methods By use of convenience sampling,33 non-psychology students from a university in Guangdong Province were enrolled from 6th to 26th May,2018,including 15 males and 18 females.The experiment gives male and female subjects nine levels of scores from 1 to 9 on the wake-up(i.e.,the emotional experience intensity of the subjects:calm/excitement) before and after sleep deprivation.By assessing emotional intensity(arousal) towards negative,neutral and positive emotional pictures(selected from International Affective Picture System,IAPS) before and after sleep deprivation,the influence of sleep deprivation on emotional reactivity was examined by sex.Results Gender was associated with the main effect of sleep deprivation on emotional arousal,the results indicated that females showed higher level of arousal than males after sleep deprivation(P<0.001).Post-sleep deprivation emotional arousal was much higher than that before sleep deprivation,indicating the main effect of sleep deprivation was evident(P<0.001).The main effect of sleep deprivation on individual emotion titer was significantly different(P<0.001).The interaction effect between gender and sleep deprivation was significant,females showed higher levels of arousal in recognition of the negative,neutral and positive pictures after sleep deprivation(P<0.001).There is significant interaction between gender and emotional titer,males showed higher level of arousal in recognition of the negative pictures than the neutral pictures(P<0.001),and showed higher level of arousal in recognition of the neutral pictures than the positive pictures(P<0.001).Females showed higher level of arousal in recognition of the negative pictures than the neutral pictures(P<0.001),while showed similar levels of arousal in the assessment of neutral and positive pictures(P>0.05).There was significant interaction between emotional titer and sleep deprivation,sleep deprivation was related to higher level of arousal in the assessment of the neutral and positive pictures(P<0.001).There is marginal significant interaction among gender,titer and sleep deprivation(P=0.08).Conclusion Sleep deprivation has an effect on individual emotional reactivity.The results of this study show that the experience of emotional intensity is not only related to gender,but also has significant correlation with sleep deprivation.
Keywords:Sleep deprivation;Emotions;Sex factors;Stress  psychological  
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