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引用本文:孙仁山,朱堂友,成琼辉,伍津津,吴先林,李文维. 急性痘疮样苔藓样糠疹1例及文献复习[J]. 中国皮肤性病学杂志, 2010, 24(6)
作者姓名:孙仁山  朱堂友  成琼辉  伍津津  吴先林  李文维
摘    要:患者男,47岁,躯干、四肢皮肤见泛发粟粒至黄豆大红色斑丘疹20天,丘疹上覆少许稀薄鳞屑,Auspit征(-),部分皮损中央破溃,坏死、结痂。患者无发热、淋巴结及肝脾肿大。组织病理示:表皮呈灶性变性坏死,区域性淋巴浸润。诊断:急性痘疮样苔藓样糠疹。本文并就其病因、临床表现、病理进展和治疗进行了文献复习。

关 键 词:急性痘疮样苔藓样糠疹  表皮坏死  发热

One Case with Pityriasis Lichenoides et Varioliformis Acuta and Literature Review
SUN Ren-shan,ZHU Tang-you,CHENG Qiong-hui,WU Jin-jin,WU Xian-lin,LI Wen-wei. One Case with Pityriasis Lichenoides et Varioliformis Acuta and Literature Review[J]. The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology, 2010, 24(6)
Authors:SUN Ren-shan  ZHU Tang-you  CHENG Qiong-hui  WU Jin-jin  WU Xian-lin  LI Wen-wei
Abstract:One patient,aged 47 years old,had extensive red macules and papules,about 0.2-0.4cm in diameter on skin of his trunk and limb.There were scales on the surrface of some papules,with negative Auspitz′s sign.Partial lesions had superficial necrosis and crusting on their central areas.The patient had no fever,no lymphadenopathy,no liver and spleen enlarged.The histopathological showed focal epidermal necrosis and regional lymphocyte infiltrations.Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta was diagnosed.Its etiology,clinical manifestations,pathophysiology and treatments were reviewed.
Keywords:Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta  Epidermal necrosis  Fever
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