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Percutaneous intravascular US as adjunct to catheter-based interventions: preliminary experience in patients with peripheral vascular disease
Authors:J M Isner  K Rosenfield  D W Losordo  S Kelly  P Palefski  R E Langevin  S Razvi  J O Pastore  B D Kosowsky
Affiliation:Department of Medicine (Cardiology), St Elizabeth's Hospital, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02135.
Catheter-based ultrasound (US) transducers may be introduced into the vascular system to record high-resolution images of the vessel wall and lumen. The potential advantages and existing liabilities of percutaneous intravascular US as an adjunct to transluminal vascular recanalization were investigated. A 6.6-F braided, polyethylene catheter enclosing a rotary drive shaft with a single-element, 20-MHz transducer at the distal tip was used in 17 patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal (balloon) angioplasty (PTA) alone (10 patients), PTA with implantation of an endovascular stent (two patients), atherectomy alone (two patients), or laser angioplasty with PTA and/or atherectomy (three patients). The arteries treated and examined included the common iliac in five patients, the external iliac in two, the superficial femoral in nine, and a vein graft-arterial anastomosis in one. In 14 cases PTA was employed as sole or adjunctive therapy; plaque cracks were clearly delineated with intravascular US in all 14 (100%) and dissections were observed in 11 (78%). Plaque-arterial wall disruption was less prominent in the arteries treated with mechanical atherectomy. The results of laser angioplasty reflected the adjunctive modality employed. After stent implantation, serial intravascular US documented effacement of PTA-induced plaque cracks and/or dissections. Intravascular US also aided in the quantitative assessment of luminal cross-sectional areas after the procedures (19.0-51.8 mm2). The observations recorded in this preliminary group of 17 patients illustrate the potential utility of intravascular US as an adjunct to conventional angiography in patients undergoing percutaneous revascularization.
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