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The Impact of Managed Care on the Practice of Occupational Therapy by Hand Therapists
Authors:Ellyn A. Varela-Burstein  Elizabeth A. Voight  Ernestine S. Pantel
Affiliation:1. candidates for the Master of Science degree, Columbia University's Programs in Occupational Therapy;2. Assistant Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy, Columbia University's Programs in Occupational Therapy
Abstract:Current Occupational Therapy (OT) literature on managed care is limited to opinion or anecdotal experience. Questionnaires were mailed to 214 OTs practicing as hand therapists nationwide to test the null hypothesis that there was no difference in reimbursement or barriers to practice for OT services between patients enrolled in managed care organizations and those enrolled in fee-for-service insurance plans. Statistically significant results were obtained indicating greater barriers to reimbursement for OT under managed care. The primary effect has been the increased administrative demands it places on both therapists and patients. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1–800–342–9678. E-mail address: getinfo@haworth.com]
Keywords:Leisure motivation  leisure attitude  sports and disability  sports camp
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