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Description of a "trans-Saharan" strain of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 in West Africa
Authors:Zehender Gianguglielmo  Ebranati Erika  De Maddalena Chiara  Gianelli Erika  Riva Agostino  Rusconi Stefano  Massetto Benedetta  Rankin Fanny  Acurie Manuel  Galli Massimo
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Sciences L. Sacco, Section of Infectious Diseases, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. gianguglielmo.zehender@unimi.it
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and the molecular epidemiology of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) in a group of pregnant women living in Guinea Bissau. We studied 427 consecutive pregnant women attending 10 centers for HIV-1 infection monitoring in Bissau. HTLV-1 infection was found in 2.6% of the patients. Phylogenetic analysis of the long terminal repeat region showed that 10 isolates were of the cosmopolitan subtype (HTLV-1a) and that only 1 was of the widespread Central African subtype (HTLV-1b). All the cosmopolitan isolates belonged to the HTLV-1aD subgroup, which was first described in North Africa and clustered with other Senegal and Guinea isolates to form a significant West African clade. Our data show a high prevalence of HTLV-1 in Guinea Bissau and suggest the existence of a trans-Saharan strain distributed in North and West Africa, which probably crossed the desert in the past as a result of contacts between nomadic and sedentary populations or along trading routes.
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