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引用本文:丁贤彬,唐文革,焦艳,毛德强. 2016年重庆市伤害死亡特征及疾病负担分析[J]. 现代预防医学, 2018, 0(9): 1691-1694
作者姓名:丁贤彬  唐文革  焦艳  毛德强
作者单位:重庆市疾病预防控制中心慢性病预防控制所,重庆 400042
摘    要:
目的 分析2016年重庆市居民伤害死亡特征及疾病负担,为开展伤害防控工作提供建议。方法 对2016年重庆市全人群死因监测数据按常住地址提取伤害死亡个案(ICD-10:V01-V99,W00-W99,X00-X99,Y00-Y98),采用SPSS19.0统计分析死亡率、期望寿命、期望寿命损失年、潜在寿命损失年、平均潜在寿命损失年等指标。结果 2016年全市共报告伤害死亡15 761例,伤害死亡率为52.90/10万,男性伤害死亡率(70.49/10万)高于女性(34.72/10万);农村伤害死亡率(60.79/10万)高于城市(32.31/10万),5岁以下、5~14岁、15~64岁、65岁及以上年龄组伤害死亡率分别为23.42/10万、17.29/10万、42.98/10万、148.42/10万。伤害死亡前5位的依次是交通事故(15.98/10万)、跌倒(13.17/10万)、自杀(6.61/10万)、淹溺(5.09/10万)、意外的机械性窒息(3.47/10万)。5岁以下与5~14岁年龄组第1位的伤害死因是淹溺、15~64岁年龄组是交通事故、65岁及以上年龄组是跌倒。伤害导致的期望寿命损失年数为1.23岁,平均潜在寿命损失年为25.32岁。结论 重庆市居民伤害死亡率较高,疾病负担重,应加强伤害的预防控制工作。

关 键 词:伤害  疾病负担  期望寿命  死因监测

Characteristics and disease burden of injury death in Chongqing,2016
DING Xian-bin,TANG Wen-ge,JIAO Yan,MAO De-qiang. Characteristics and disease burden of injury death in Chongqing,2016[J]. Modern Preventive Medicine, 2018, 0(9): 1691-1694
Authors:DING Xian-bin  TANG Wen-ge  JIAO Yan  MAO De-qiang
Affiliation:Institute of Non-communicable Disease Prevention and Control,Chongqing Center for Disease Prevention and Control,Chongqing 400042,China
Objective To analyze the characteristics of injury death and its disease burden in Chongqing and to provide suggestions on injury prevention and control. Methods The 2016 death-surveillance data for all population in Chongqing were taken according to permanent address (ICD-10:V01-V99,W00-W99,X00-X99,Y00-Y98).The data were analyzed by SPSS19.0 to calculate indicators of disease burden such as mortality,life expectancy,years of life expectancy loss,potential years of life loss and average years of life loss. Results A total of 15 761 cases of injury death were reported in 2016,with injury mortality of 52.90/100 000.The injury mortality among male residents (70.49/100 000) was higher than that among female residents (34.72/100 000).The injury mortality in rural area (60.79/100 000) was higher than that in urban area (32.31/100 000).The top five death causes of injury were traffic accident (15.98/100 000),fall (13.17/100 000),suicide (6.61/100 000),drowning (5.09/100 000) and accidental suffocation (3.47/100 000).The injury mortality of age groups below 5 years old,between 5 and 14 years old,between 15 and 64 years old and above 65 years old were 23.42/100 000,17.29/100 000,42.98/100 000 and 148.42/100 000 respectively.The first death cause of injury in age group below 5 and 5-14 was drowning.The first death causes of injury in age group of 15- 64 was traffic accident while the age group above 65 was fall.Years of life expectancy loss due to injury was 1.23 years in Chongqing in 2016 and its average years of life lost was 25.32 years. Conclusion The residents of Chongqing have a high injury death rate and a heavy burden of disease.The prevention and control of injuries should be strengthened.
Keywords:Injury  Disease burden  Life expectancy  Death cause surveillance
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