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Brain potentials in affective picture processing: covariation with autonomic arousal and affective report
Authors:Cuthbert B N  Schupp H T  Bradley M M  Birbaumer N  Lang P J
Affiliation:NIMH Center for the Study of Emotion and Attention (CSEA), University of Florida, Box 100165 HSC, Gainesville, FL 32610-0165, USA.
Emotionally arousing picture stimuli evoked scalp-recorded event-related potentials. A late, slow positive voltage change was observed, which was significantly larger for affective than neutral stimuli. This positive shift began 200-300 ms after picture onset, reached its maximum amplitude approximately 1 s after picture onset, and was sustained for most of a 6-s picture presentation period. The positive increase was not related to local probability of content type, but was accentuated for pictures that prompted increased autonomic responses and reports of greater affective arousal (e.g. erotic or violent content). These results suggest that the late positive wave indicates a selective processing of emotional stimuli, reflecting the activation of motivational systems in the brain.
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