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Echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging (EPI) with high-resolution matrix in intra-axial brain tumors
Authors:R. Brüning  K. Seelos  T. Yousry  J. Scheidler  H. Exner  U. Porn  M. Reiser  B. R. Rosen
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Diagnostic Radiology, Klinikum Grosshadern, University of Munich, D-81366 Munich, Germany, DE;(2) Department of Neuroradiology, Institute of Diagnostic Radiology, Klinikum Grosshadern, University of Munich, D-81366 Munich, Germany, DE;(3) Institute for Medical Epidemiology, Klinikum Grosshadern, University of Munich, D-81366 Munich, Germany, DE;(4) Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, NMR Center, 13th Street, Bldg. 149, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA, US
Abstract:The aim of this study was to assess the potential of high-speed interleaved echo-planar imaging (EPI) to achieve diagnostic image quality comparable to T2-weighted imaging in patients with brain tumors. Seventeen patients with intra-axial, supratentorial tumors (10 untreated gliomas, 7 radiated gliomas) were investigated on a 1.5-T scanner. The conventional scan (SE, TR/TE = 2200/80 ms, 18 slices) was acquired in 8 min, 4 s, and EPI (TR/TE = 3000/80 ms, 18 slices) was completed in 25 s. The films were compared in a blinded trail by three radiologists. On the general impression and anatomic display, both sequences were rated to be of similar quality. Artifacts were slightly more pronounced at the skull base and around surgical clips using EPI. Tumor delineation was nearly equivalent using EPI, compared with the T2-weighted sequence. Echo-planar imaging reached diagnostic quality in all patients. Interleaved high-resolution EPI yielded sufficient quality to depict intra-axial, supratentorial brain tumors. Since EPI can be obtained in a small fraction of the time needed for conventional spin echo, in addition to other indications it could be considered to study patients unable to cooperate. Received: 7 September 1998; Revision received: 6 November 1998; Accepted: 24 November 1998
Keywords:: Magnetic resonance  Brain  Brain tumors  Echo planar imaging
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