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引用本文:郑锡文,张家鹏,曲书泉,程何荷,林纪胜,段松,陈艳麟,段一娟,李大勤,李志荣,张桂云,寇静冬,陈钧,潘颂峰,田春桥,张勇,金莉. 1993年云南省瑞丽等地吸毒者艾滋病病毒感染定群研究[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 1994, 15(1): 3-5
作者姓名:郑锡文  张家鹏  曲书泉  程何荷  林纪胜  段松  陈艳麟  段一娟  李大勤  李志荣  张桂云  寇静冬  陈钧  潘颂峰  田春桥  张勇  金莉
摘    要:1993年3月对已建立一年的吸毒者定群研究现场──云南省德宏州瑞丽市、陇川县及潞西县再次进行调查。本次调查755例吸毒者及102例配偶。从1992年进入定群研究HIV阴性的89例静脉吸毒者中,1993年又采到血样有54例,其中9例血清转阳。瑞丽市、陇川县及潞西县1992年和1993年静注者血清阳转率(/百观察人年)分别为43.2%及40.0%,12.2%及12.2%,0%及0%。1993年新进入定群研究的116例静注者中,采集到血样的有104例,发现HIV阳性38例。上述三市县1992年及1993年入定群研究的静注者的HIV感染率分别为81.8%及85.7%,44.6%及40.0%,5.1%及0%。可以看出血清阳转率的高低与HIV感染率高低相吻合。HIV阳性者的配偶1990、1992及1993年的HIV感染率分别为3.1%、9.8%和7.4%,有上升趋势。潞西县HIV阳性者少,静脉注射出现时间晚,但近年来静脉吸毒者比例上升快,值得注意。

关 键 词:HIV,吸毒,静脉,定群研究

Cohort Study of HIV Infection among Drug Users in Ruili and Other Counties in Yunnan Province, China
Zheng Xiwen,Zhang Jiapeng,Qu Shuquan. Cohort Study of HIV Infection among Drug Users in Ruili and Other Counties in Yunnan Province, China[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 1994, 15(1): 3-5
Authors:Zheng Xiwen  Zhang Jiapeng  Qu Shuquan
Affiliation:Zheng Xiwen,Zhang Jiapeng,Qu Shuquan,et al.Ins-titute of Epidemiology and Microbiology,Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine,Beijing 102206
Abstract:In 1993,a second survey was conducted in Ruili City and otlier two counties,where a cohort study field was establ ished last year.Seven hundred and fifty five drug users and one hundred and two spouses of HIV infected IDUs were interviwed.Nine samples among 54 from 89 IDUs in cohort were tested as seroconversion.Theseroconversion rate(incidence rate)in IDUs(perhundred person years)in Ruili,Longchuan,and Luxi as well were 40.0,12.2 and 0,res-pectively in 1993,comparing to 43.2,12.2 and 0 in 1992.Thirty eight were tested as positiveamong 108 samples from 116 newly recruited IDOs.The seroprcvalence rates in this three count ieswere 85.7%, 40.0,and 0 in 1993,comparing to81.8%, 44.6% and 5.1% in 1992.A coordination ofthe level between seroconvcrsion and seropreva-lence was observed.A increasing trend of sero-prevalence among the spouses of HIV positiveIDUs was found,the seroprevalence rate were3.1% in 1990,9.8%in 1992 and7.4% in 1993.Moreattent ion should be paid to Luxi where therat io of intravenous drug using increasedrapidly,although fewer positives and laterstarting of drug using was found in this county.
Keywords:HIV  IV drug users (IDUs)  Cohort study
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