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Analysis of Gleason grade and scores in 90 Nigerian Africans with prostate cancer during the period 1994 to 2004
Authors:UG Ugare   IE Bassey   PG Jibrin   IA Ekanem
Affiliation:1Department of Surgery, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, PMB1278, Calabar, Nigeria;2Department of Pathology, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, PMB 1278, Calabar, Nigeria


To determine the relative frequency of prostate cancer among surgical specimens, and among prostate specimens received at the pathology department ,University Hospital Calabar.


Histology records were reviewed for the following: total number of histology specimens received; total number of prostate specimens; total number of prostate cancer; and the total number of cancers in males during the study period. Histology sections 4–5microns thick were cut from paraffin blocks and stained by Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E). Histopathologic specimens were classified using the grading system of tumour differentiation described by Gleason and associates.


One hundred and twenty three cancers of the prostate were received, constituting 2% of the total surgical specimens and 31% of prostate specimens. Thirty three cases (27%) could not be analyzed; therefore the study is based on 90 prostate cancer specimens. Eighty nine (99%) cases were epithelial tumours (adenocarcinoma.) There was a single mesenchymal tumour (rhabdomyosarcoma) (1%). The commonest grade in this study was the high grade (Gleason grade IV).


We observed that prostate cancer is a common among males (all sites) diagnosed at the University Hospital Calabar, with a peak incidence between the ages of 61 – 70 years (seventh decade).
Keywords:prostate   cancer   analysis   histologic   pattern   role   grade
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