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引用本文:胡如英,俞敏,钟节鸣,龚巍巍. 浙江省城乡居民慢性病患病率及危险因素变化趋势研究[J]. 疾病监测, 2006, 21(9): 480-484. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2006.9.480
作者姓名:胡如英  俞敏  钟节鸣  龚巍巍
摘    要:目的了解居民慢性病患病率及危险因素的变化情况。方法分别于1998和2003年在浙江省采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取12个县区,约2万居民使用卫生部统一设计的卫生服务调查问卷进行入户调查。结果城市居民慢性病患病率较1998年上升了6.37%,农村上升了25.29%,农村上升幅度高于城市。高血压居慢性病首位。高血压、糖尿病、心脏病等患病率有明显上升。男性吸烟率上升25.33%,农村男性吸烟率升高幅度较城市更明显。重度吸烟者增加了33个百分点。居民经常饮酒率从1998年的20.43%,下降为2003年的17.97%。城乡居民体育锻炼率2次调查结果基本持平。结论随着人口老龄化、吸烟率及吸烟量的增加,浙江省城乡居民慢病患病率将呈现上升趋势,应进一步加强吸烟等危险因素的干预和控制工作。

关 键 词:慢性病  卫生服务  危险因素

The changing trends of the incidences and the risk factors of chronic diseases among residents in the cities and rural areas in Zhejiang Province
HU Ru-ying,YU Min,ZHONG Jie-ming,GONG Wei-wei. The changing trends of the incidences and the risk factors of chronic diseases among residents in the cities and rural areas in Zhejiang Province[J]. Disease Surveillance, 2006, 21(9): 480-484. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2006.9.480
Authors:HU Ru-ying  YU Min  ZHONG Jie-ming  GONG Wei-wei
Affiliation:1.Zhejiang Provincial CDC;Hangzhou 310009 China;
Abstract:Objective This study was designed to gain insight into the changes in the incidences and risk factors of chronic diseases among residents in Zhejiang Province.Methods Some 20,000 residents in 12 counties and districts in Zhejiang Province were selected in 1998 and 2003 using a stratified,multistage cluster sampling method for household survey based on the uniform questionnaire for health service investigations designed by the Ministry of health of P.R.China.Results The incidence of chronic diseases in cities and rural areas was 6.37% and 25.29% respectively higher in 2003 than in 1998,with a higher amplitude in the incidence increase in rural areas than in cities.The incidence of hypertension was ranked as the first of all the chronic diseases.There was an dramatic increase in the incidence of hypertension,diabetes mellitus and cardiac diseases.The incidence of cigarette smoking increased by 25.33% with a more dramatic increase in the incidence in the rural areas than in the cities.The survey revealed that there was an increase by 33% in the number of heavy smokers.The alcohol-drinking rate among residents decreased from 20.43% in 1998 to 17.97% in 2003.The rate of physical exercise among residents in cities and rural areas were roughly the same in the 2 surveys.Conclusion With population aging and the increase in the rate and amount of cigarette smoking,the chronic diseases among residents in the cities and rural areas of Zhejiang Province take on an increasing tendency,and further efforts need to be strengthened to intervene with and control the risk factors such as smoking.
Keywords:chronic disease  health service  risk factors
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