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引用本文:周小雷,王硕,樊溪源,周雅琴,袁经权,杨明亮. 瑶药七爪风的化学成分预实验研究[J]. 中国民族民间医药杂志, 2012, 0(2): 2-3
作者姓名:周小雷  王硕  樊溪源  周雅琴  袁经权  杨明亮
作者单位:[1]广西药用植物研究所姚新生院士重点实验室,南宁530023 [2]暨南大学中药及天然药物研究所,广州510632 [3]贺州学院2007级本科毕业生,贺州542800
摘    要:目的:考察瑶药七爪风根及茎的化学成分。方法:采用化学反应鉴别方法分别对瑶药七爪风根及茎的水提取液、乙醇提取液和石油醚提取液进行化学成分鉴别。结果:检查项目中的糖类、苷类、三萜类、甾体、有机酸等项均出现正反应现象,其他项目出现负反应现象。结论:瑶药七爪风根及茎中可能含有三萜、甾体、糖类、苷类、有机酸等化学成分。

关 键 词:瑶药七爪风  化学成分  成分鉴别

Preliminary Test for Chemical Components of Rubus reflexus
Affiliation:ZHOU Xiao- lei , WANG Shuo , FAN Xi -yuan, YUAN Jing- quan, YANG Ming- liang( 1. Southern Medicine Research & Test Center, Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plant, Nanning 530023, China; 2. Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural products, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China; 3 College of He Zhou He Zhou 542800 china)
Abstract:Objective To identify the chemical components of Rubus reflexus using comprehensive preliminary test. Methods The mixture was extracted from Rubus reflexus with water 95% ethanol and petrol ether was studied test tube method. Results The tests of sugars, glycosides, triterpenes, tannins, organic acids etc were Positive reactions. Others were negative. Conclusion Rubus reflexus might contain sugar , organic acid , triterpenes cardiac glycosides.
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