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Transferrin receptor distribution and iron deposition in the hepatic fobufe of iron-overloaded rats
Authors:Jlan-Ping Lu  Keiki Hayashi
Affiliation:Department of Pathology, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, China;Department of Pathology, Okayama University, Medical School, Okayama, Japan
Under the condition of obvious iron-overload, there is a zonal hernoeiderin (iron) deposition in hepatic lobules. The deposition is heavtest in the periporfal (zone 1) and lightest in the perivenws (zone 3) hepatocytes. However, the mechanism for this pattern of iron deposition is obscure. Hepatic tissues from control, iron-deficlent or ironoverloaded Wistar rats me used to study its pathogenesis. iron-deficiency was Induced by a low Iron regimen. Ironoverload was produced by repeated intraperitoneal injections of ferric nitrilotriace-We (Fe3+-NTA) for 1–4 months. Liver tissues of the rats were lmmunohistochemically and histochemically stained for tmnaferrin receptor (TfR), transferrin (Tf), ferritin (Ft), and iron. The staining intensity of TfR, Tf and Ft increased in hepatocytes of iron-deflctent rats and decreased in that of the iromverloaded in comparison with the control rats. TfR atalning was strong in zone 1, with gradual transition into weak staining in zone 3 hepatocytes of the rat liver. TfR located primarily on the hepatocyte membrane. Tf had both membranous and cytoplasmic distribution. Many hepatocytes in group B had strong cytoplasmic Tf staining. Conversely, only a few hepatocytes had weakly stained cytoplasmic Tf in group C. Hepatocytes and Kupffer cells were Ft positive in control rats. Ft was distributed only in the cytoplasm. The staining intensity of Ft was stronger in zone 3 than in zone 1 hepatocytes of iron-deficient rats. In iron-overloaded rats, the iron deposition was severe in zone 1 and mild in zone 3 hepatocytes. These findings suggest that uptake of iron into hepatocytes in vivo is regulated and mediated by TfR and Tf. Gradient TfR distribution from zone 1 to 3 hepatocytes and active TfR-Tf mediated iron uptake resuited in the zonal iron deposition in the hepatic lobule of iron-overloaded rats.
Keywords:irnmunohistochemistty    iron metabolism    liver    rat    transferrin receptor
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