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Effects of non-MHC background genes on the induction of CD4+ T cells that prevent rejection of a highly immunogenic tumor, FBL-3
Authors:Morioka, Atsuo   Iwashiro, Michihiro   Matsubayashi, Yuji   Teramura, Yasuhumi   Kuribayashi, Kagemasa
Affiliation:Department of immunology and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University Kyoto 606, Japan
1 Department of Bioregulation, School of Medicine, Mie University Tsu 514, Japan
This study showed that non-MHC genes common to (DBA/2 H-2d)and (DBA/1 H-2q) gave rise to suppressor T (Ta) cells in thehybrid F1 mice between C57BL/6 (B6) strain in the antl-FBL-3tumor responses. FBL-3, a Friend virus-induced tumor cell lineof B6 mouse origin, is highly immunogenic as shown by findingsthat syngenelc and hybrid F1 mice with several other inbredstrains rejected up to 3 x 107 tumor cells inoculated s.c. andgenerated potent CTL responses after mixed lymphocyte tumorcell culture. In contrast to these mice, (B6 x DBA/2) and (B6x DBA/1)F1 mice did not reject the tumor as the tumor dosesincreased. Progressive tumor growth in these F1 mice was blockedby an I.p. Injection of cyclophosphamlde (250 mg/kg) on day10, but not on day 5, after tumor cell inoculation. Antl-CD4(GK1.5) mAb exerted similar therapeutic effects against tumorwhen given twice, between day 0 and 10, whereas the additionalinjection of antl-CD8 mAb enhanced the tumor growth in micethat otherwise rejected the tumor. Thus, In the response of(B6 x DBA/2)F, mice to FBL-3 tumor cells, CD4+ T8 seemed todown-regulate the immunologically mediated regression of thetumor produced by CD8+ CTL. This was evidenced by limiting dilutionculture analyses, which showed that the frequency of an FBL-3-speclflcCTL precursor in the (B6 x DBA/2)F1 mice that rejected the tumorwith antl-CD4 mAb was ~7- to 9-fold higher than that in micein which the tumor regressed spontaneously. That more than onegene was involved in suppressor T cell induction was shown bythe tumor growth pattern in (B6 x DBA/2)F1 x B6 backcross andB6D2F2 mice.
Keywords:non-MHC genes   suppressor T cell   tumor immunity
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