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HIV prevention in primary care: impact of a clinical intervention
Authors:Bluespruce J  Dodge W T  Grothaus L  Wheeler K  Rebolledo V  Carey J W  McAfee T A  Thompson R S
Affiliation:Center for Health Promotion, Group Health Cooperative, Seattle, Washington 98168-2559, USA. bluespruce.j@ghc.org
Discomfort, lack of confidence in skills, and environmental constraints may cause primary care providers to miss opportunities to discuss human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk with patients. We used a systems approach to address both intrapersonal and environmental barriers to HIV risk assessment and prevention counseling in a managed care clinical setting. The design was one-group pretest/posttest. The study took place in two primary care clinics of a large Pacific Northwest managed care organization. Participants (n = 49) included physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and social workers. The intervention included training, clarification of provider/staff roles, assess to tools and materials, and reminders/reinforcers. Outcome measures were provider attitudes, beliefs, outcome expectations, knowledge, confidence in skills, and perceived supports and barriers, measured by written pretest/posttest surveys administered 12 months apart. Seven months after the most intensive part of the intervention, providers' attitudes and beliefs were more favorable to HIV risk assessment and prevention counseling. They were less likely to express frustration with high-risk patients (decrease from 100% to 79% agreement, p = 0.001) and more confident that their advice would be effective with gay men and single adult heterosexuals (p = 0.002 and 0.005, respectively). They reported more confidence in their training in sexual history taking (p = 0.0003) and their skills assessing readiness for change (p = 0.007), and more support in practice environments. This study demonstrated that it is possible to affect important personal and environmental factors that influence primary care providers' HIV prevention behavior using an interactive, real-world systems approach. Further research is needed on providers' impact on patient behavior.
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