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Distribution of cerebello‐olivary degeneration in idiopathic late cortical cerebellar atrophy: Clinicopathological study of four autopsy cases
Authors:Satoru Ota  Kuniaki Tsuchiya  Midori Anno  Kazuhiro Niizato  Haruhiko Akiyama
Affiliation:1. Departoments of Neurology,;2. Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and;3. Psychiatry, Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital, and;4. Department of Neuropathology, Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract:Late cortical cerebellar atrophy (LCCA) is a neurodegenerative disease which presents with slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia as a prominent symptom and is characterized neuropathologically by a limited main lesion to the cerebellar cortex and inferior olivary nucleus. To elucidate the features of lesions in the cerebellar cortex and inferior olivary nucleus, four autopsy cases suffering from idiopathic LCCA without other cortical cerebellar atrophies, such as alcoholic cerebellar degeneration, phenytoin intoxication, or hereditary cerebellar atrophy including spinocerebellar ataxia type 6, were examined. All affected patients had identical distinct features of cerebellar cortical lesions. In all four cases, the most obvious pathological finding throughout the cerebellum was loss of Purkinje cells, but the rarefaction of granular cell layers was observed only where loss of Purkinje cells was very severe, and thinning of the molecular layer was seen only where the rarefaction of granular cell layers was moderate to severe. Two patients presented with vermis dominant cerebellar cortical lesions, but the other two patients showed hemispheric dominant pathological changes. Neuronal loss of the inferior olivary nucleus was observed in the three autopsy cases. Two of the three cases had a prominent lesion in the dorsal part of the inferior olive and the cerebellar cortical lesion disclosed the vermis dominance, but the other patient, showing prominent neuronal loss in the ventral olivary nucleus, had a cerebellar hemisphere dominant lesion. The patient without neuronal loss in the inferior olivary nucleus had suffered from a shorter period of disease than the others and the rarefaction of granular cell layers and narrowing of the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex were mild. Therefore, it is obvious that there are two types of cerebellar cortex lesions in idiopathic LCCA; one is vermis dominant and the other is cerebellar hemispheric dominant. The lesion of the inferior olivary nucleus occurs as a secondary degeneration after rarefaction of the granular cell layer and thinning of the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex progresses. Furthermore, the distribution of the degeneration in the inferior olivary nucleus depends on the distribution of the cerebellar cortex lesions.
Keywords:granular cell  idiopathic late cortical cerebellar atrophy  inferior olivary nucleus  molecular layer  Purkinje cell
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