Abstract: | Aim: A case of an infected pancreatic pseudocyst in which cystgastrostomy was successfully performed with a new therapeutic echoendoscope and ?uoroscopic guidance is presented. Methods: A curved linear array echoendoscope (GF‐UCT240‐AL5; Olympus) with an instrument channel 3.7 mm in diameter was used in combination with the Aloka SSD‐5000 display unit. It enabled endoscopic video viewing. The cyst puncture was performed using a 1‐mm diathermic needle housed in a 5 Fr Te?on tube. Following the endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)‐guided puncture, a 10 Fr stent was placed in the pancreatic pseudocyst without an exchange of endoscope. Results: The procedure was well tolerated for the patient and there were no complications. The cyst was resolved and the stent was removed 8 weeks later. Conclusion: This new therapeutic echoendoscope may provide a more effective, safer and less time‐consuming method of endoscopic pseudocyst drainage. |