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作者姓名:邢志芳  王学锋  戴菁  陆晔玲  丁秋兰  许冠群  奚晓东  王鸿利
作者单位:1. 医学基因组学国家重点实验室,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院上海血液学研究所,200025
2. 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院临床输血科
摘    要:
目的 探讨遗传性凝血因子Ⅶ(FⅦ)缺陷症的分子发病机制.方法 用DNA直接测序法对1例FⅦ缺陷症家系成员FⅦ基因进行分析;将含突变序列克隆插入pMD19-T Simple TA载体中,对所得两条染色体相应序列分别测序,以确定不同突变在染色体上的分布.采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和凝固法检测血浆中FⅦ:Ag和FⅦ:C.结果 家系中有3种基因突变:第8号外显子第15386位核苷酸存在A→C(Arg353Pro)和第15386位核苷酸G→C(Gln353Pro)突变;第8号外显子第15274位核苷酸A→T(Lys316Stop)突变,家系成员中发现的这3种突变均为杂合子;发现先证者父亲存在3种杂合多态性:即启动子区2050~2059位CCTATACCT 10 bp的缺失/插入多态性、1号内含子IVS1a+9 G→A及第15386位A→G(Arg353Gln),且均来自先证者祖父,3种多态性位于同一条染色体上.结论 发现该家系存在1种FⅦ基因的错义突变(Gln353Pro);1种无义突变(Lys316Stop),这两种突变均为国际上首次报道的新突变.
Objective To explore the mutations of coagulation factor Ⅶ ( F Ⅶ ) gene in one pedigree with hereditary F Ⅶ deficiency, and to investigate the molecular mechanisms of F Ⅶdeficiency. Methods FⅦ gene mutations were analysed in the pedigree by direct DNA sequencing. The mutated DNA fragments were cloned into pMD19-T simple TA vector, and sequenced to confirm their distribution on chromosome. The plasma activity of F Ⅶ of the probands and their family members was detected with coagulation assay. The antigen of F Ⅶ were identified with ELISA. Results Three gene mutations were detected in the pedigree: A/G to C at 15386 resulting in Arg353Pro/Gln353Pro, A to T at 15274 resulting in Lys316Stop, all three mutations were heterozygotes. Three kinds of polymorphisms were identified in his father: A to G transition at position 15386 resulting in Arg353Gln, heterozygotic deletion of 2050 -2059 cctatatcct in promoter and G to A mutation in intron 1a, the same polymorphisms were found in his grandfather. The three polymorphisms were located in the same chromosome of his father. Conclusion Two mutations were found in the pedigree with hereditary FⅦ deficiency. One is nonsense mutation( Lys316Stop), the other is missense one(Gln353Pro).Gln353Pro and Lys316Stop might be the molecular mechanisms of FⅦ deficiency. The two novel mutations were reported for the first time in the literature.

关 键 词:凝血因子FⅦ缺陷症  基因突变  多态性
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