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Providence School Asthma Partnership: School-based Asthma Program for Inner-City Families
Authors:Judith D. DePue   Elizabeth L. McQuaid   Daphne Koinis-Mitchell   Christopher Camillo   Anthony Alario   Robert B. Klein
Affiliation: a The Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine, the Miriam Hospital/Brown Medical School, Providence, Rhode Islandb Bradley Hasbro Children's Research Center/Brown Medical School, Providence, Rhode Islandc Department of Pediatrics, Rhode Island Hospital/Brown Medical School, Providence, Rhode Island
Over 3 years, 972 families participated in an after-school asthma program at their child's school. Parents and children attended concurrent 21/2 -hour workshops. Parents were 74% Latino; 45% non-English speaking, with 77% of children on Medicaid. Asthma symptoms were significantly reduced, from multiple times per week to less than once per week on average. Oral steroid use decreased to one third of baseline use. Hospital days decreased from 11% to 2%; emergency visits decreased 35% to 4%; and school days missed decreased 48% to 20%. This program has now become sustainable with both private and Medicaid insurance coverage.
Keywords:asthma  intervention  children  ethnic minority  urban schools
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