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Einfluß der Kohlenstoffquelle auf die Reservestoffbildung von Candida spec. H
Authors:B. Brü  ckner,R. Tr  ger
Affiliation:B. Brückner,R. Tröger
Various aspects of the carbon energy reserve metabolism of Candida spec. H on glucose in comparison to its metabolism on hydrocarbons were studied in this article. In the absence of nitrogen for growth cells undergo several changes in their chemical composition. The content of protein and nucleic acids decreases rapidly. At the same time on the glucose medium glycogen and trehalose were markedly accumulated, whereas lipid accumulation was only slight. On the hydrocarbon substrate both carbohydrates and lipid were increased. Also the difference between the fatty acid composition of Candida spec. H when grown on glucose and on n-alkanes was studied. The results were discussed.
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