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Vascular permeability and microcirculation in patients with hemorrhagic fever associated with renal syndrome
Authors:Iu L Fedorchenko
Vascular permeability and microcirculation (MC) were studied in 25 patients with hemorrhagic fever associated with the renal syndrome (HFRS). A considerable increase in vascular permeability for liquid and protein was recorded during oligoanuria and polyuria. These parameters slowly returned to normal with recovery. Investigation of MC identified the presence of changes mainly occurring in the intra- and extravascular parts of MC: turbidity of the angioscopic background, hemorrhages, spread sludge, atonia of the venules, winding of all groups of the vessels, aneurysms of the venules, and so forth. The increased vascular permeability and MC impairment are important components of the pathogenesis of HFRS which should be taken into consideration during institution of the pathogenetic treatment.
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