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Differential regulation of muscarinic and nicotinic receptors by cholinergic stimulation in cultured avian retina cells
Authors:Robert G. Siman  William L. Klein  
Abstract:Sustained cholinergic stimulation of retina cells grown in primary aggregate and monolayer cultures regulated the concentration of muscarinic but not nicotinic receptors. Muscarinic receptor sites, quantified by the binding of [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate to membranes and the binding of [3H]N-methyl-scopolamine to intact cells, decreased up to 84% following long-term incubation of cultures in muscarinic agonists. This decrease was blocked by atropine and was not induced by chronic nicotine treatment. The rate of the muscarinic response was biphasic. A rapid binding decrease of 30% occurred within 15 min. The slower phase was half-maximal by 6 h and was complete by 24 h. Neither the fast nor the slow receptor loss was reversed by the guanine nucleotide GppNp. Three different depolarizing agents (gramicidin D, protoveratrine, and ouabain) blocked the cholinergic-induced receptor loss, but the hyperpolarizing ionophore valinomycin had no effect. In contrast to the muscarinic response, nicotinic receptor binding was not altered by chronic receptor stimulation. Exposure to receptor-saturating doses of carbamylcholine or nicotine for 48 h did not change [125I]α-bungarotoxin or [3H]bromoacetylcholine binding. Differential regulation of acetylcholine receptors is discussed in relation to the possible physiological role of receptor regulation by receptor activity.
Keywords:muscarinic receptor   nicotinic receptor   cholinergic receptor   synapse   modulation   retina
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