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EASD Diabetes Technology Meeting: Medical Associations Are on Track
Authors:Lutz Heinemann
Affiliation:1Science & Co, Düsseldorf, Germany
Abstract:The first diabetes technology meeting organized by the European Diabetes Association covers the range from regulatory aspects, patient safety, about registries to clinical studies. After an intensive discussion about the evidence required for registration and reimbursement on new medical devices and in vitro diagnostics it becomes clear that more and better clinical trials will be required in the future. This was also highlighted by representatives of the American Diabetes Association. The 2 associations will be active in this field of research by a joint committee. This meeting is intended not to become a large-scale meeting focused on education but to provide a platform for an open discussion of experts involved in all areas that are relevant to achieve a meaningful usage of diabetes technology.
Keywords:diabetes technology   regulations   insulin pumps   artificial pancreas   blood glucose meters   continuous glucose monitoring
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