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引用本文:林小田,王昱,周赤龙,谢培增,向尚富,邹声昕. 舰船部队烈性呼吸道传染病暴发流行紧急防治的演练与启示[J]. 华南国防医学杂志, 2007, 21(5): 8-10
作者姓名:林小田  王昱  周赤龙  谢培增  向尚富  邹声昕
摘    要:目的探讨舰艇部队发生烈性呼吸道传染病的紧急应对策略。方法舰船部队烈性呼吸道传染病暴发流行紧急防治演练。结果演练小组在接到命令后的12min赶到传染病疫区现场,明确了疫情动态,所有患者得到诊治,疫情得到有效控制。结论建立和完善高效的传染病暴发流行卫勤指挥系统;组建和完善高素质的传染病专家应急队伍;重视在军队医院普通科室进行传染病防治知识及技能培训;具有保证应对传染病暴发流行的物质储备及预案,是控制未来战争中海军舰艇部队可能发生传染病暴发疫情的必要应对策略。

关 键 词:舰艇部队  传染病暴发  控制对策

Drilling on Prevention and Cure of Simulant Spirited Respiratory Infectious Diseases Outbreak in Warship Troop
LIN Xiao-tian , WANG Yu, ZHOU Chi-long,et al.. Drilling on Prevention and Cure of Simulant Spirited Respiratory Infectious Diseases Outbreak in Warship Troop[J]. Military Medical Journal of South China, 2007, 21(5): 8-10
Authors:LIN Xiao-tian    WANG Yu   ZHOU Chi-long  et al.
Affiliation:No. 422 Hospital of PLA, Zhanjiang Guangdong 524009, China
Abstract:Objective To discuss the emergency strategies for simulant spirited respiratory infectious diseases outbreak in warship troop. Methods Under the command of a certain headquarters, the sanitary departments of navy base and joint services were in charge of the concrete plan and assessing the drilling effect. The warship men in a landing craft imitated in the epidemic situation, a branch sanitary department and its affiliated hospital charged the prevention and cure of infectious diseases, a naval quarantine institution responsible for epidemiological survey and alexipharmic drilling. Results The rescue team arrived at the drilling site in 12 min after the report of epidemic situation, then made the elementary diagnosis and definituded the dynamic state of infectious disease. All cases were treated, one of whom was transferred to the hospital. The site was disinfected. The outbreak of the infectious diseases was controlled effectively. Conclusion In order to handle the potential outbreak of epidemic among the warship men in the future war, it is essential to set up and consummate the command system of medical services, to form a specialist group for dealing with the emergency, to take into account basic training of knowledge and skill in managing infectious diseases in military hospitals and to guarantee the ample material reserves and emergency measures in case of the outbreak of infectious diseases.
Keywords:Warship troop  Outbreak of infectious diseases  Countermeasure
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