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引用本文:郑鸣,任传路,黄登清. 兔急性上颌窦炎早期一氧化氮合酶的表达及意义[J]. 解剖与临床, 2002, 7(3): 74-76,F004
作者姓名:郑鸣  任传路  黄登清
摘    要:
目的 :探讨一氧化氮合酶 (NOS)在兔急性上颌窦炎 (AMS)窦粘膜中的表达及其意义。方法 :健康新西兰白兔 36只 ,分为空白、阴性对照组和AMS组。通过阻塞窦口并注入 1.0ml的肺炎链球菌悬液 (10 9CFU)建立AMS模型 ,观察时间点为自手术第 5、10天。应用黄递酶———NADPH组织化学技术 ,以NADPH脱氢酶特异性测定NOS在空白、阴性对照组和AMS组兔上颌窦粘膜中的分布及不同时间点AMS组NOS活性表达。结果 :正常和急性上颌窦炎兔窦粘膜酶化学染色均有反应 ,主要分布于粘膜上皮、血管内皮和腺体细胞 (染色程度与正常组相比 ,P<0 .0 5或P <0 .0 1)。结论 :正常兔上颌窦粘膜存在NOS ,一氧化氮 (NO)与上颌窦急性炎症有关 ,炎症时NOS活性明显增高 ,过多的NO会对组织或细胞产生损伤 ,提示NO在AMS发病机制中有重要意义

关 键 词:  急性上颌窦炎  组织化学  一氧化氮  一氧化氮合酶

The Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Acute Rabbit Maxillary Sinusitis in Early Stages and its Signisicance
Zheng Ming,Ren Chuanlu,Huang Dengqin. The Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Acute Rabbit Maxillary Sinusitis in Early Stages and its Signisicance[J]. Anatomy and Clinics, 2002, 7(3): 74-76,F004
Authors:Zheng Ming  Ren Chuanlu  Huang Dengqin
Objective:To investigate the expression of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in rabbit sinus mucosa with acute maxillary sinusitis(AMS) in different conditions.Methods:36 white rabbits of healthy Newsland were devided into the normal,negative control and AMS group respectively.After establishing the induced maxillary sinusitis by inculation of the maxillary ostium and injection of 1.0 ml steeptococcus penumoniae (10 9 colony-foming unit),the investigation was started at 5 or 10 days after the establishment was drawn up.Localization of NOS in sinus mucosa of normal,negative control and AMS rabbits was examined by means of histochemical staining for NADPH diaphorase(NADPH-d).Results:Sinus mucosa of normal,negative and AMS groups was positive for NADPH-d.Reaction was localized to the cytoplasm of glandular cell,epithelium and vascular endothelium.The mucosa of the AMS group reacted much more stronger(contrast to the normal and negative group,P<0.01 or 0.05).Conclusion:Distribution of NOS could be seen in the sinus mucosa of above rabbits.The activity of NOS in the AMS group to significantly stronger.Nitric Oxide(NO) is related to AMS positively and too much of it may injure the tissue or cells,NO may play an important role in the mechanism of AMS.
Keywords:Rabbits  Acute maxillary sinusitis  Histochemistry  Nitric oxide  Nitric oxide synthase
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