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Treatment of 78 cases of shoulder periarthritis by warming-needle method
Authors:Li Jian-wu  Xiong Yuan-yin
Affiliation:Acup-moxi Department of TCM Hospital of Wuhan City, Hubei, China, 430014
Abstract:Jiansanzhen, Tianzong (SI 11), Jugu (LI 16), Jianzhen (SI 9), Binao (LI 14) and Quchi (LI 11) were given warming-needle moxibustion to treat shoulder periarthritis in 78 cases, and the result showed total effective rate was 97.4%. Author: LI Jian-wu (1955-), male, junior consultant doctor Translator: WU Xue-fei
Keywords:Warming-needle therapy  Shoulder joint  Inflammation
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