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Arterial trauma in the first year of life
Authors:López-Gutiérrez J C  Encinas J L  Luis A  Ros Z  Díaz M
Affiliation:Unidad de Anomalías Vasculares Congénitas, Departamento de Cirugía Pediátrica, Hospital Infantil La Paz, Madrid, Espa?a. queminfantil.hulp@salud.madrid.org
Traumatic vascular lesions in neonates are usually due to preoperative iatrogeny. In the last ten years, we attended 11 patients aged less than one year with arterial lesions due to deliberate puncture. All required endovascular, surgical or combined treatment. The intra- and postoperative follow-up of severe congenital malformations necessitates appropriate arterial access. This should be achieved following strict protocols, with a limited number of punctures carried out by experienced staff and only in large arteries. When a vascular lesion occurs, first an endovascular and then a surgical approach is required in the shortest time period possible. In conclusion, care of arterial routes of access and their maintenance is the best preventive therapy. Appropriate and early treatment in fistulas, pseudoaneurysms and thrombosis must be provided to prevent serious complications, especially in underweight patients.
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