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Zinc gluconate in the treatment of dysgeusia--a randomized clinical trial
Authors:Heckmann S M  Hujoel P  Habiger S  Friess W  Wichmann M  Heckmann J G  Hummel T
Affiliation:School of Dental Medicine, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Glückstr. 11, 91054 Erlangen, Germany. siegfried.heckmann@rzmail.uni-erlangen.de
In the treatment of dysgeusia, the use of zinc has been frequently tried, with equivocal results. The aim of the present randomized clinical trial, which involved a sufficiently large sample, was therefore to determine the efficacy of zinc treatment. Fifty patients with idiopathic dysgeusia were carefully selected. Zinc gluconate (140 mg/day; n=26) or placebo (lactose; n=24) was randomly assigned to the patients. The patients on zinc improved in terms of gustatory function (p <0.001) and rated the dysgeusia as being less severe (p <0.05). Similarly, signs of depression in the zinc group were less severe (Beck Depression Inventory, p <0.05; mood scale, p <0.05). With the exception of the salivary calcium level, which was higher in the zinc patients (p <0.05), no other significant group differences were found. In conclusion, zinc appears to improve general gustatory function and, consequently, general mood scores in dysgeusia patients.
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