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Dependence of axolemmal differentiation on contact with glial cells in chronically demyelinated lesions of cat spinal cord
Authors:J. Rosenbluth   J.-H. Tao-Cheng  W.F. Blakemore  
Chronically demyelinated lesions of cat dorsal columns were created by focal injection of the glial toxin ethidium bromide. Freeze-fracture studies show that the center of the lesion, which is devoid of glial cells and processes, contains axons having neither node-like nor paranodal-type membrane specializations. Near the margin of the lesion, however, where axons are in contact with glial cells, the axolemma sometimes displays focal accumulations of E- and P-face particles resembling those at nodes of Ranvier. In cases where the adjacent cell could be identified, it had the characteristics of an astrocyte. Linear indentations of the axolemma displaying a paracrystalline pattern like that of the paranodal axolemma also occur in the marginal region. Here, the adjacent cell had the characteristics of an oligodendrocyte. These specializations may be closely associated with each other or spatially separate. Normal nodal and paranodal specializations were absent throughout the lesion at all time periods examined. These findings support the view that both the formation and the maintenance of nodal and paranodal axon membrane specializations require contact with glial cells.
Keywords:myelin   axoglial junction   node of Ranvier   astrocyte   oligodendrocyte   demyelination   multiple sclerosis   differentiation   axon
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