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引用本文:王硕,时金华,李雁,曹建荣,高寅秋,贾擎,谢珅,岳红红,董锡臣. CBL结合PBL教学模式在中医临床实习教学的应用[J]. 中国中医药现代远程教育, 2014, 0(17): 83-84
作者姓名:王硕  时金华  李雁  曹建荣  高寅秋  贾擎  谢珅  岳红红  董锡臣
摘    要:目的 探讨CBL与PBL教学法在中医七年制临床实习医师教学中的效果。方法 60名中医七年制实习医师被分为实验组及PBL组,分别采用CBL结合PBL教学法或单独PBL教学法进行教学;采用问卷、实践操作及病例分析对各组实习医师进行考核评估及比较。结果 实验组实习医师对于CBL结合PBL教学法表现出更高的兴趣及认可;在理论及病例分析能力考核中,CBL结合PBL教学法组得分明显优于PBL组,两组差异有显著性(P驥0.05)。结论 CBL结合PBL教学法在实习医师教学中具有较好的效果及可行性。

关 键 词:CBL教学法  PBL教学法  中医教学

Application of integration of CBL and PBL Teaching Method in TCM
Affiliation:Wang Shuo Shi Jinhua Li Yan Cao Jianrong Gao Yinqiu Jia Qing Xie Shen Yue Honghong Done Xichen (1 Department of Emergency, Guanganmen Hospital, China A cadamy of Chinese Medical Science, B eijing 100053, China; 2 Department of Anaesthesia, Guanganmen Hospital China Acadamy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing 100053, China)
Abstract:Objective To investigate CBL and PBL teaching methods applied and compared in TCM for interns. Methods Sixty medical students were divided into CBL combined PBL group and PBL group respectively.Two kinds of teaching methods were evaluated and compared by using questionnaire, speculative knowledge exam, clinical practice exam and case analysis exam. Results CBL combined PBL teaching is better than PBL teaching; and scores for speculative knowledge exam and analysis exam were higher in CBL combined PBL group than in PBL group; there are significant differences between the two groups. Conclusion CBL combined PBL teaching are feasible for clinical training in TCM with good effect.
Keywords:CBL teaching  PBL teaching  TCM teaching
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