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The Impact of Therapeutic Case Management on Participation in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment
Authors:Pamela E. Noel
Affiliation:1. University of Iowa, School of Social Work, Iowa City, Iowa, USApamela-noel@uiowa.edu
Abstract:Establishing the efficacy of case management in substance abuse treatment has been confounded by the lack of attention given to assessing the fidelity of case management implementation. The current study measured the fidelity of case management implementation and used fidelity information to examine the impact of therapeutic case management on attrition in an adolescent, outpatient, group, substance abuse treatment program. Ninety adolescent women enrolled in substance abuse treatment were randomly assigned to receive or to not receive case management. Treatment fidelity was measured using the Case Management Quality Inventory. Cox regression analyses revealed that higher fidelity of case management implementation predicted a decreased risk of dropping out of the substance abuse treatment program (RR = ?11.21, p < 0.02). Higher proportions of total case management time spent on case management core functions predicted a decreased risk of dropping out of treatment (RR = 4.32, p < 0.03). This study confirms that programs need to first demonstrate that the case management model has been implemented faithfully before its efficacy in reducing attrition in the substance abuse treatment program can be fairly evaluated. It also suggests that core case management functions may have a greater influence on attrition in substance abuse treatment than does intensity.
Keywords:Case management  fidelity  adolescents
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