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引用本文:万德明!233500. 蒙城县村级防保医生在疟防中的作用与影响因素分析[J]. 安徽预防医学杂志, 2001, 0(2)
摘    要:
目的 :通过了解村级防保医生在疟防中的作用和影响因素 ,制订对他们的培训计划 ,巩固疟防成果。方法 :按分层随机抽样法在 9个乡 (镇 ) 36个行政村抽取 36个卫生室的 72名村级防保医生 ,进行有关疟防知识和完成疟防工作的问卷调查。结果 :村级防保医生疟防知识问卷回答正确率为 74.6 7% ,其中 ,接受过疟防知识培训者的正确率高于未培训者。村级防保医生完成上级交付疟防任务的占 86 .73% ,当地政府和卫生部门对村卫生室和村级防保医生在经费投入、优惠政策、奖惩及劳务报酬等解决较好的地方 ,村级防保医生完成疟防工作优于解决较差的地方。接受过疟防知识培训者完成工作任务率为 90 .32 % ,好于未培训者。结论 :今后对村级防保医生进行较系统的疟防知识和技术的培训 ,并加强管理和扶持 ,才能使村级防保医生更好地完成疟防任务。

关 键 词:村级防保医生  疟疾防治  社会因素  经济状况

Analysis of Function and Its Influence Factors of Village Doctor in Malaria Control in Mengcheng County
Wan Deming Meng Cheng Sanitation and Anti-epidemic Station. Analysis of Function and Its Influence Factors of Village Doctor in Malaria Control in Mengcheng County[J]. Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2001, 0(2)
Authors:Wan Deming Meng Cheng Sanitation and Anti-epidemic Station
Affiliation:Wan Deming Meng Cheng Sanitation and Anti-epidemic Station 233500
In order to understand function and its influence factors of village doctor in malaria control, consolidate achievements of malaria control and make a training program for the doctors, 72 village doctors working in 36 village clinics randomly selected from 36 villages of 9 towns were inquired with questionnaire for malaria control knowledge and their work in malaria control. The results showed that correct response rate of the doctors to malaria control knowledge was 74.67%, of them, correct response rate of trained doctors was higher than that of untrained person.. 86.73% doctors completed the task given by higher level organizations. Places where local government and health department could solve funds investment, preferential policy, rewards and punishments, remuneration for village clinics and doctors well were better than places to solve the problems poor. Malaria control task complete rate of trained doctors was 90.32%, better than that of untrained persons. Thus, in order to have village doctor complete malaria control task better, systematic training of malaria control knowledge and techniques should be held and management and support for village clinic should be strengthened.
Keywords:village doctor malaria control influence factor
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