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引用本文:任晓晖 邓颖 等. 用SF—36量表评价慢性病患者的生命质量[J]. 华西医科大学学报, 2001, 32(2): 250-253
作者姓名:任晓晖 邓颖 等
作者单位:[1]华西医科大学公共卫生学院社会医学教研室,成都610041 [2]四川省卫生防疫站
摘    要:目的 用SF-36量表分析慢性疾病对生命质量的影响。方法 在四川省某城乡用SP-36量表对438名慢性疾病患者进行调查,并按照ICD-8进行疾病分类,对不同系统疾病患者的生命质量进行分析。结果 不同系统疾病患者的生命质量在SF-36量表所测的不同领域均低于一般人群(≥40岁),不同系统疾病患者在躯体活动性能、社会功能、活力和心理功能四个领域均有差别。影响生命质量的主要疾病有精神疾患、血液及造血器官疾病,传染病和寄生虫病。结论 慢性病降低了患者的生命质量。不同系统疾病对生命质量的影响程度不同,SF-36量表适用于评价慢性病患者的生命质量。在慢性疾病的预防控制中,生命质量应作为健康评价指标。

关 键 词:SF-36量表 慢性病 生命质量

Assessing the quality of life of people with chronic diseases using SF-36]
X Ren,C Liu,N Li,Y Deng. Assessing the quality of life of people with chronic diseases using SF-36][J]. Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences, 2001, 32(2): 250-253
Authors:X Ren  C Liu  N Li  Y Deng
Affiliation:Department of Social Medicine, School of Public Health, WCUMS, Chengdu 610041, China.
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: To analyze the influence of chronic diseases on the quality of life by using short form of 36 (SF-36). METHODS: Four hundred and thirty-eight people with chronic diseases were surveyed in a township and a city in Sichuan Province. The diseases were classified according to ICD-9 and the quality of life of people with chronic diseases of different systems was analyzed. RESULTS: The quality of life of people with chronic diseases of different systems was lower than that of general people aged 40 or above. The quality of life varied among people with chronic diseases of different systems in four fields, namely PF, SF, VT and MH. The main diseases that influenced the quality of life were mental disorders, infectious and parasitic diseases, the diseases of blood and blood-forming organs. CONCLUSION: The chronic diseases have decreased the quality of life. The diseases of different systems have had different influences on the quality of life. SF-36 is suitable for assessing the quality of life of people with chronic diseases. Quality of life should be taken as an important health index in chronic disease control and prevention.
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