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Lithium In Vitro Enhances Interleukin-2 Production by T Cells from Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Authors:Eugene J. Kucharz   Stanistaw J. Sierakowski  James S. Goodwin
Affiliation: a Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Silesian University School of Medicine, Tychy, PL, Polandb Department of Rheumatology, Medical Academy, Bialystok, Polandc Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Abstract:Cellular immunity is impaired in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A decreased production of interleukin-2 by T cells isolated from blood of patients with SLE was found. the decrease correlated with severity of the disease. It was shown that incubation in vitro of T cells with 5 mM of lithium chloride augmented interleukin-2 production. the increase in cultures of T cells from patients with SLE was higher that than in healthy individuals. It is belived that lithium increases the cytosol inositol triphosphate level and subsequently augmented impaired itra-cellular signal transduction in the T cells from patients with SLE.
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