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Susceptibilities of Candida spp. to antifungal agents visualized by two-dimensional scatterplots of relative growth.
Authors:F C Odds   G Dams   G Just     P Lewi
Abstract:The growth of 811 clinical yeast isolates in the presence of single concentrations of antifungal agents was measured spectrophotometrically and expressed as a percentage of growth in inhibitor-free control cultures. Two-dimensional scatterplots of the relative growth data allowed for the simple visual determination of some susceptibility trends, including correlations in relative growth between different agents and in relative susceptibilities between different yeast species. A positive susceptibility correlation was found for relative growth results with the azole antifungal agents fluconazole, itraconazole, and ketoconazole for 504 Candida albicans isolates. The relative growth scatterplots for fluconazole versus itraconazole showed that 50 (9.9%) of 504 C. albicans isolates were outliers with respect to the 95% confidence limits for a line of correlated relative growth established with an initial test panel of 59 isolates of this species. The outlying isolates were relatively less susceptible to fluconazole than to itraconazole under the conditions of the test. Most of the outliers were received in 1993 and 1994; only 3.9% of the isolates received in 1991 and 1992 and 1.7% of the isolates received before 1991 showed this differential susceptibility. In addition, most of the outliers came from patients with human immunodeficiency virus infections. The relative growth scatterplots confirmed the known high susceptibility of most Candida parapsilosis isolates to both fluconazole and itraconazole and the specifically low susceptibility of Candida krusei isolates to fluconazole. The scatterplots also illustrated a tendency towards lower (and correlative) relative growth among oral isolates obtained from AIDS patients who responded to azole antifungal treatment than among isolates from clinical nonresponders.
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