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引用本文:姜靖,丁永红,朱海华. 全酸蚀和自酸蚀粘结剂在前牙修复的临床比较研究[J]. 口腔医学, 2012, 32(11): 660-662
作者姓名:姜靖  丁永红  朱海华
作者单位:1. 杭州市第三人民医院口腔科,杭州,310009
2. 杭州市肿瘤医院口腔科,杭州,310002
3. 浙江大学医学院附属口腔医院牙体牙髓科,杭州,310031
摘    要:目的 比较全酸蚀粘结剂和自酸蚀粘结剂在前牙树脂粘结修复的临床效果。方法 将前牙近中切端缺损需要行纳米树脂修复的330颗活髓恒牙随机分为2组,分别用全酸蚀粘结剂和自酸蚀粘结剂结合纳米树脂进行充填修复。于术后3个月、1年、3年对患者进行回访,检查充填物和牙体牙髓情况,并用Spss软件进行分析比较。结果 2组患牙的充填效果无显著性差异(P>0.05),对牙髓的刺激性自酸蚀粘结剂小于全酸蚀粘结剂,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论 全酸蚀粘结剂和自酸蚀粘结剂用于前牙粘结修复治疗中的疗效均不错,自酸蚀粘接剂更易操作。

关 键 词:全酸蚀粘结剂  自酸蚀粘结剂  前牙  充填  纳米树脂  

Clinic comparison of effects of total-etch bonding and self-etch bonding on restoration of anterior teeth
JIANG Jing , DING Yong-hong , ZHU Hai-hua. Clinic comparison of effects of total-etch bonding and self-etch bonding on restoration of anterior teeth[J]. Stomatology, 2012, 32(11): 660-662
Authors:JIANG Jing    DING Yong-hong    ZHU Hai-hua
Affiliation:. ( Department of Stomatology, The Third People's Hospital of Hangzhou ,Hangzhou 310009, China)
Abstract:Objective To compare the clinical effects of total-etch bonding and self-etch bonding on resin filling of anterior teeth. Methods 330 vital pulp anterior teeth, which had defects at the incisal ends and to be restored with nanometer resin,were divided in- to 2 groups randomly. Two kinds of bondings,which were total-etch bonding and self-etch bonding, combined with nanometer resin were used to restore the teeth. The patients were re-examined three months, one year and three years after the treatment. The fillings, teeth and pulps of patients were examined and the results were analyzed and compared with SPSS. Results No significant difference in the filling effects was found between the two groups (P 〉 0.05 ). Total-etch bonding had more stimulation to the pulps than self-etch bond- ing(P 〉 0.05). Conclusions The curative effects were good no matter total-etch bonding or self-etch bonding was used in resin filling of anterior teeth. Self-etch bonding is more easily operated in clinics.
Keywords:total-etch bonding  self-etch bonding  anterior teeth  filling  nanometer resin
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