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引用本文:柴文星,刘建华. 阴道乳杆菌对常见阴道假丝酵母菌抑制作用的体外试验研究[J]. 生殖与避孕, 2011, 31(7): 444-448
作者姓名:柴文星  刘建华
摘    要:
目的:观察阴道乳杆菌菌株在体外实验中对假丝酵母菌生长的抑制作用。方法:分离健康妇女阴道中常见的乳杆菌和外阴、阴道假丝酵母菌病(vulvovaginal candidiasis,VVC)患者阴道中的常见假丝酵母菌,采用96孔板混合生长抑制法观察处于生长对数期的乳杆菌对假丝酵母菌生长的抑制作用。结果:23例健康妇女阴道分泌物中分离出3种乳杆菌:嗜酸乳杆菌(La)、干酪乳杆菌(Lca)和卷曲乳杆菌(Lcr),15例VVC初发患者阴道分泌物中分离出3种假丝酵母菌:白色假丝酵母菌(Ca)、热带假丝酵母菌(Ct)和克柔假丝酵母菌(Ck)。各种乳杆菌均表现出对假丝酵母菌生长的抑制能力,La对各种假丝酵母菌的抑制能力均优于Lcr;与Lca相比,La对Ct的抑制更为明显;产H2O2的Lcr与不产H2O2的Lca对假丝酵母菌的抑制能力无显著差异。结论:各种乳杆菌表现出对假丝酵母菌生长的不同抑制能力,La对研究的3种假丝酵母菌的抑制能力均优于Lcr;与Lca相比,La的唯一优势体现在对Ct的抑制上;乳杆菌对假丝酵母菌的抑制可能不仅仅与产生H2O2能力有关。

关 键 词:乳杆菌  假丝酵母菌  外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(VVC)

In vitro Experiment on Growth Inhibition Effects of Lactobacillus Strains on Strains of Common Candida
Wen-xing CHAI,Jian-hua LIU. In vitro Experiment on Growth Inhibition Effects of Lactobacillus Strains on Strains of Common Candida[J]. Reproduction and Contraception, 2011, 31(7): 444-448
Authors:Wen-xing CHAI  Jian-hua LIU
Affiliation:Wen-xing CHAI,Jian-hua LIU (Department of Gynecology,Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital,Shanghai Jiaotong University,School of Medicine,Shanghai,200011)
Objective: To observe the growth inhibition effects of Lactobacillus strains on strains of Candida in vitro.Methods: To separate common Lactobacillus strains from healthy women,and common Candida strains from patients with incipient vulvovaginal candidiasis(VVC),and then to observe the growth inhibition of Lactobacillus strains within the vigorous growing period on strains of Candida by mixed growing in 96-holes plate.Results: Three isolates of Lactobacillus strains from vaginal secretions of healthy women ...
Keywords:Lactobacillus  Candida  vulvovaginal candidiasis(VVC)  
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